What is your religion?
This infographic illustrates data on religion from the 2011 Census to provide a picture of the various faiths across England and Wales.

Number | percent | |
All categories: Religion | 56,075,912 | 100 |
Christian | 33,243,175 | 59.3 |
Buddhist | 247,743 | 0.4 |
Hindu | 816,633 | 1.5 |
Jewish | 263,346 | 0.5 |
Muslim (Islam) | 2,706,066 | 4.8 |
Sikh | 423,158 | 0.8 |
Other religion: Total | 240,530 | 0.4 |
Animism | 541 | 0 |
Baha’i | 5,021 | 0 |
Believe in God | 2,969 | 0 |
Brahma Kumari | 442 | 0 |
Chinese Religion | 182 | 0 |
Church of All Religion | 408 | 0 |
Confucianist | 124 | 0 |
Deist | 1,199 | 0 |
Druid | 4,189 | 0 |
Druze | 515 | 0 |
Eckankar | 379 | 0 |
Heathen | 1,958 | 0 |
Jain | 20,288 | 0 |
Other religion: Mixed Religion | 23,566 | 0 |
Mysticism | 204 | 0 |
Native American Church | 127 | 0 |
New Age | 698 | 0 |
Occult | 502 | 0 |
Own Belief System | 1,949 | 0 |
Pagan | 56,620 | 0.1 |
Pantheism | 2,216 | 0 |
Rastafarian | 7,906 | 0 |
Ravidassia | 11,058 | 0 |
Reconstructionist | 251 | 0 |
Satanism | 1,893 | 0 |
Scientology | 2,418 | 0 |
Shamanism | 650 | 0 |
Shintoism | 1,075 | 0 |
Spiritual | 13,832 | 0 |
Spiritualist | 39,061 | 0.1 |
Taoist | 4,144 | 0 |
Theism | 830 | 0 |
Thelemite | 184 | 0 |
Traditional African Religion | 588 | 0 |
Unification Church | 452 | 0 |
Universalist | 923 | 0 |
Vodun | 208 | 0 |
Wicca | 11,766 | 0 |
Witchcraft | 1,276 | 0 |
Zoroastrian | 4,105 | 0 |
Other religions | 13,813 | 0 |
No religion: Total | 14,097,229 | 25.1 |
No religion | 13,836,778 | 24.7 |
Agnostic | 32,382 | 0.1 |
Atheist | 29,267 | 0.1 |
Free Thinker | 513 | 0 |
Heavy Metal | 6,242 | 0 |
Humanist | 15,067 | 0 |
Jedi Knight | 176,632 | 0.3 |
Realist | 348 | 0 |
Religion not stated | 4,038,032 | 7.2 |
Download the data for this infographic.
For more information, please contact: equalitiesandwellbeing@ons.gsi.gov.uk
- 2011 Census data on religion by age, ethnicity and country of birth Infographic
- Religion in England and Wales 2011 Statistical bulletin